I wrote something, it has nothing to do with shoes but I wrote it anyway...


I know we have a lockdown for all the right reasons and I am sticking to the rules but these posts telling me all the positives about lockdown are driving me mad. These are my honest views - don’t read on if you are wanting your daily dose of positivity!

What they say vs the truth according to me

1. My skin is having a lovely break from makeup and I have time to look after it - my skin is vain it loves wearing makeup and responds well to being looked after in two mins, not a full skincare routine it has come out in loads of spots to protest.

2. My house is lovely and clean and tidy - I could make a mess in an empty room in two seconds flat and I find zero pleasure in cleaning, I find pleasure in shoes and cake not finding the latest way to ‘hinch’ my home

3. I am enjoying exercising from the comfort of my own home with online workouts - I am LAZY, I need to be told (ok shamed into) doing the required amount of burpees in the required way without stopping to ‘tighten’ my shoe laces twice. I also mainly go to the gym to discuss clothes, shoes and products in the changing rooms with like-minded females not for the exercise classes.

4. My hair is in such good condition, drying naturally and free from straighteners - I don’t want to be natural I love my colour damaged heat ruined hair just the way it is, good condition equals too much grey for my liking and thick hair that forms a triangle (not dissimilar to a dairylea cheese one) around my little head.

5. I’m enjoying doing yoga and feeling very relaxed - Yoga is great, I like yoga but doing it at home with a cheap yoga mat that lets me feel every crumb on my floor while the cat thinks my little toe is a new toy to catch and bite is not relaxing, it is painful and makes my poor balance considerably worse.

6. I have time to focus on the things on my list that I have never got around to doing - I never got around to these things for a reason and it was not lack of time it was because I HATE them and I just like to move them from list to list to make myself feel super busy.

7. I am embracing the natural look and feel great about it - Honestly, I just do not understand this, yes I am saving money on razors but could be mistaken for a gorilla at any point in the next few weeks, I have the most dreadful shaped eyebrows and will struggle to hide my monobrow shortly. I love having a pedicure and do not wish to do this at home with foot cream, some plastic food bags and a pumice stone that came in a gift pack and has hidden in the back of the bathroom cupboard for the last three years.

8. I am eating healthy home-cooked meals - I am eating 15 meals a day at least and I have realised that I am a reluctant cook who does not have a ‘pantry’ full of useful ingredients. My cupboards contain things like chocolate spread, sesame seeds used once for a recipe and out of date sugar substitute syrup from when I decided to try and cut sugar out of my life (it was expensive and I cannot bring myself to throw it away but it is awful and nothing like sugar)

9. You can still dress up nicely for staying at home - On a normal day I change out of my ‘nice’ clothes into my ‘home’ clothes so I am no way going to waste a nice outfit sitting on my sofa or at my desk both of which contain cat hair and various food debris from my constant snacking.

So, lockdown is not bringing me any joy, I miss my shop, my work, my friends and getting dressed to leave the house and speak to people. However I know it will pass and it is important to do it to keep everyone safe, so for now I will just keep posting mindless drivel on my social media,

Much love, Finale Faye x

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